16th Annual Neighborhood Boot Camp Announced

CWEB is working with the Dallas Homeowner’s League this year in hosting the 16th annual Neighborhood Leadership Boot Camp. This is a training and education event designed to help neighborhood leaders hone their skills and take their organizations to the next level. CWEB will be hosting two break out sections. The first will be “How to Start a Crime Watch”, a basic primer on the nuts and bolts of how to get started. The second will be “Neighborhood Communication in the 21st Century”. This session will cover some of the best practices using current technology such as websites, bulk email programs and social media.

The event will be at City Hall on August 16th beginning at 8:30am. Coffee and donuts will be available. The keynote speaker this year is Judge Clay Jenkins. You can register online early by visiting the DHL website at www.dallashomeownersleague.org.

Download the flyer here. boot camp flyer 2014

About ddattalo

This is the information about the neighborhood section.
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